ENISA at 12th IFIP Conference on e-Business, e-Services, e-Society

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"Information technology regulation - towards a future-proof model?" was the theme for a presentation by ENISA's Dr Andreas Mitrakas at a high-leve business conference in Athens today (25th April).


The I3E 2013 event runs over April 25th and 26th, and is the 12th International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) conference on e-Business, e-Services, and e-Society (the 3 Es, of "I3E", with the I standing for information). The conference is being hosted in Athens, Greece.

I3E provides a forum for governmental bodies, civil society organizations, local authorities, medium-sized enterprises, SMEs, and research and industry representatives.

The conference concentrates on collaboration, privacy and trust in e-business, e-services and e-society.


For more information: athina.cs.unipi.gr/i3e2013/